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2015The availability of drugs purchased for state funds in UkraineMalyi, V. V.; Timanyuk, I. V.; Bondarieva, I. V.; Малий, В. В.; Тіманюк, І. В.; Бондарєва, І. В.; Малый, В. В.; Тиманюк, И. В.; Бондарева, И. В.
2015Theoretical approaches to change management in pharmaceutical organizations: the main stages and methods process of implementation changesMalyi, V. V.; Bondarieva, I. V.; Timanyuk, I. В.; Малый, В. В.; Малий, В. В.; Бондарева, И. В.; Бондарєва, І. В.; Тиманюк, И. В.; Тиманюк, І. В.
2016Marketing research of the market of antiviral drugsBondarieva, I. V.; Бондарева, И. В.; Бондарєва, І. В.; Jdayea Ahmed Hadi
2016Assessment the influence of the competitive environment to the work of pharmacy networksBondarieva, I. V.; Бондарева, И. В.; Бондарєва, І. В.; Al-Obaіdі Hasan Basіm
2016Study of directions of marketing audit in pharmaciesBondarieva, I. V.; Бондарева, И. В.; Бондарєва, І. В.; Saadi Mohammed Saad
2017Study of the pharmaceutical market of anticoagulantsBondarieva, I. V.; Бондарєва, І. В.; Бондарева, И. В.; Himenko, S. V.; Хименко, С. В.; Хіменко, С. В.; Chamas Ramzi
2016Study of specific peculiarities of children's organism and necessity in children's dosage formsMalyi, V. V.; Малый, В. В.; Малий, В. В.; Bondarieva, I. V.; Бондарева, И. В.; Бондарєва, І. В.; Darzi Ameen Dlavar
2016Analysis of psychological atmosphere in the collective of pharmaciesBondarieva, I. V.; Бондарева, И. В.; Бондарєва, І. В.; Husaine Karrar Zayer
2016Analysis of the basic tendencies affecting the activities of iraq’s pharmaceutical enterprisesBondarieva, I. V.; Бондарева, И. В.; Бондарєва, І. В.; Abdulqader Alі Wadullah
2014Researching of influence of economic factors for functioning of nigerian pharmaciesObasi Promise; Bondareva, I. V.; Бондарева, И. В.; Бондарєва, І. В.