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dc.contributor.authorKudryk, B. T.-
dc.contributor.authorTikhonov, O. I.-
dc.contributor.authorMartyniuk, T. V.-
dc.contributor.authorКудрик, Б. Т.-
dc.contributor.authorТихонов, О. І.-
dc.contributor.authorТихонов, А. И.-
dc.contributor.authorМартинюк, Т. В.-
dc.identifier.citationKudryk, B. T. Comparative analysis of physical-chemical, microbiological parameters and the elemental composition of bee pollen and perga / B. T. Kudryk, O. I. Tikhonov, T. V. Martynyuk // Topical issues of new drugs development : abstracts оf XXIII international scientific and practical conference of young scientists and student, April 21, 2016. - Kh., 2016. - Vol. 1. - P. 274-275.en_US
dc.titleComparative analysis of physical-chemical, microbiological parameters and the elemental composition of bee pollen and pergaen_US
Appears in Collections:Тези доповідей співробітників НФаУ

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