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Title: Synthesis and in silico research of derivatives of 3-allyl-4-(R-phenyl)-N-(R1-phenyl)thiazole-2-imine
Authors: Perekhoda, L. O.
Suleiman, M. M.
Sych, I. A.
Yaremenko, V. D.
Drapak, I. V.
Перехода, Л. О.
Перехода, Л. А.
Сулейман, М. М.
Сич, І. А.
Сыч, И. А.
Яременко, В. Д.
Драпак, І. В.
Драпак, И. В.
Keywords: derivatives of 3-allyl-4-(R-phenyl)-N-(R1-phenyl)-thiazole-2-imine;synthesis;molecular docking
Issue Date: 2017
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Synthesis and in silico research of derivatives of 3-allyl-4-(R-phenyl)-N-(R1-phenyl)thiazole-2-imine / L. O. Perekhoda, I. V. Drapak, M. M. Suleiman, I. A. Sych, V. D. Yaremenko // Der Pharma Chemica. - 2017. - № 9 (13). - Р. 95-98.
Abstract: The synthesis of those new derivatives of 3-allyl-4-(R-phenyl)-N-(R1-phenyl)-thiazole-2-imine was conducted which consist substituted aromatic radicals. Structure of the compounds synthesized has proved by means of a comprehensive use of modern physical and chemical methods of analysis. In silico research has been conducted of the potential molecular mechanisms of cardioprotective action of the obtained substances with the method of a soft molecular docking, and recommendations to the rational design of the ligands have been made
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри фармацевтичної хімії

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