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Title: Quantitative determination by potentiometric titration method of active pharmaceutical ingredients in complex dosage form
Authors: Samadov, B.
Sych, I. A.
Shpychak, T. V.
Kiz, O. V.
Самадов, Б.
Сич, І. А.
Сыч, И. А.
Шпичак, Т. В.
Кизь, О. В.
Кізь, О. В.
Issue Date: 2017
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Quantitative determination by potentiometric titration method of active pharmaceutical ingredients in complex dosage form / B. Samadov, I. A. Sych, T. V. Shpychak, O. V. Kiz // Topical issues of new drugs development : abstracts оf XXIV international scientific and practical conference of young scientists and student, April 20, 2017. - Kh., 2017. - Vol. 1. - P. 197.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри фармацевтичної хімії
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