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Title: Development of control methods for studying pollutions of pharmaceutical production in wastewater
Authors: Materiienko, A. S.
Материенко, А. С.
Матерієнко, А. С.
Georgiyants, V. A.
Георгиянц, В. А.
Георгіянц, В. А.
Bezugly, P. O.
Безуглый, П. А.
Безуглий, П. О.
Keywords: Ecology;Pharmaceutical pollutants;Pharmaceutical pollutions;analytical methods
Issue Date: 2018
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Materiienko, A. S. Development of control methods for studying pollutions of pharmaceutical production in wastewater / A. S. Materiienko, V. A. Georgiyants, P. O. Bezugly // ChemCys 2018 : book of abstracts Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists, February 21-23, 2018. – Blankenberge, Belgium, 2018. – P. 54.
Abstract: A lot of pharmaceuticals are manufactured over the world each year. Pollution from pharmaceuticals is now recognized as an environmental concern in many countries. This has led to the creation of an extensive area of research, including among others their chemical identification and quantification. Analytical methods for different kind of environmental matrices (wastewater, surface water, ground water, soil, fish, plants) have to be developed. Environmental effects of pharmaceuticals have to be investigated.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри фармацевтичних технологій та забезпечення якості ІПКСФ

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