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Title: Reasearch of Diuretic Action of 5- Substituted Derivatives of 1,3,4Thiadiazole
Authors: Sich, I. V.
Berezniacov, A. V.
Perechoda, L. O.
Yaremenko, V. D.
Taran, S. G.
Сич, І. В.
Березняков, А. В.
Яременко, В. Д.
Перехода, Л. О.
Таран, С. Г.
Keywords: Substance;1,3,4-Thiadiazole, Diuretic action
Issue Date: 2017
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Reasearch of Diuretic Action of 5- Substituted Derivatives of 1,3,4Thiadiazole / I. V. Sich, A. V. Berezniacov, L. O. Perechoda, S. G. Taran, V. D. Yaremenko // Saudi Journal of Medical andPharmaceutical Sciences. - 2017. - Vol. 3. - Р. 112-115.
Abstract: : Search and creation new biologically active compounds which exhibit diuretic action is an current task of the modern Medical Chemistry. In order to identify diuretic activity a series of 5-substituted of 1,3,4-thiadiazole have been investigated. As index of urinary intensity the amount of urine was considered allocated by animals for 2 hours in terms of 100 g of body weight. In determining the diuretic action, a hydrochlorothiazide was selected as a comparative preparation. Screening research which have been conducted together with the study of the effect on the excretory renal function showed that the synthesized compounds exhibit diuretic activity, competing with the comparison standard. The comparative analysis of the biological action of 5-substituted of 1,3,4-thiadiazole and the preparation "Hydrochlorothiazide" showed that the most active among these compounds are derivatives with code 1.1 and 2.2, which significantly exceed the diuretic effect of the reference medicine. The prospectivity and feasibility of further targeted synthesis of this class of substances has shown to create more effective and safe medicines with diuretic action.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри фармацевтичної хімії

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