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Title: Non-obvious effects of montelukast - Leukotriene receptor blocker: Frigoprotective and anticonvulsant properties
Authors: Shtrygol, S. Yu.
Kapelka, I. G.
Mishchenko, M. V.
Mishchenko, O. Ya.
Keywords: montelukast;inflammation;leukotrienes;cold trauma;epilepsy
Issue Date: 2021
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Non-obvious effects of montelukast - Leukotriene receptor blocker: Frigoprotective and anticonvulsant properties / S. Yu. Shtrygol, I. G. Kapelka, M. V. Mishchenko, O. Ya. Mishchenko // Medicni Perspektivi. - 2021. - № 26 (2). - Р. 19-25.
Abstract: The participation of arachidonic acid metabolism products – prostaglandins and leukotrienes – in the process of inflammation is a common pathogenetic link of cold injury and epilepsy. Montelukast is widely used for the treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis as a leukotriene receptor blocker. However, the mechanism of action of the drug suggests a wider range of its pharmacological properties and the corresponding scope of application. This study is aimed to determine the effectiveness of montelukast as a potential frigoprotective and anticonvulsant drug.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри клінічної фармакології ІПКСФ

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