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Title: Verification of the quantitative determination method for phenylephrine hydrochloride in solution for injections
Authors: Kryvanych, A. V.
Криванич, А. В.
Криванич, О. В.
Bevz, N. Y.
Бевз, Н. Ю.
Бевз, Н. Ю.
Georgiyants, V. A.
Георгиянц, В. А.
Георгіянц, В. А.
Keywords: verification;верифікація;верификация;phenylephrine hydrochloride;фенилефрину гідрохлорид;фенилэфрина гидрохлорид;solution for injections;розчин для ін'єкцій;раствор для инъекций;spectrophotometric method;спектрофотометричний метод;спектрофотометрический метод;quantitative determination;кількісне визначення;количественное определение
Issue Date: 2014
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Kryvanych, A. V. Verification of the quantitative determination method for phenylephrine hydrochloride in solution for injections / A. V. Kryvanych, N. Y. Bevz, V. A. Georgiyants // Acta chim. Pharm. Indica. – 2014. – Vol. 4, № 1. – P. 1-6.
Abstract: The spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride solution for injections has been verified. The method was tested on model mixtures and a batch sample of the drug. The method proposed was verified by the following parameters: specificity, linearity, precision (convergence), accuracy, robustness, the range of application. These metrological characteristics do not exceed the acceptance criteria according to the SPhU. Based on these results the method can be correctly reproduced and is suitable for use in pharmaceutical analysis of injectable medicines containing phenylephrine hydrochloride
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри фармацевтичних технологій та забезпечення якості ІПКСФ
Наукові публікації кафедри фармацевтичної хімії

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