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Title: Substantiation of the methods of quality control for a substance with the anticonvulsant action
Authors: Bevz, N. Yu.
Georgiyants, V. A.
Gryinenko, V.
Бевз, Н. Ю.
Георгіянц, В. А.
Гриненко, В.
Георгиянц, В. А.
Keywords: pharmaceutical analysis;identification;quantitative determination;acid-base titration;anticonvulsants
Issue Date: 2014
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Bevz, N. Yu. Substantiation of the methods of quality control for a substance with the anticonvulsant action / Natalia Bevz, Victoriya Georgiyants and Vasyl Gryinenko // Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. - 2014. - № 6(5). - Р. 775-779.
Abstract: The data concerning substantiation and development of the methods of quality control for a new biologically active substance with the anticonvulsant action are presented in the article. Identification of the substance under research has been performed by physical and chemical methods (IR-, UV- and PMR-spectroscopy) and by chemical reactions. For quantitative determination of dimetpyrazine the method of acid-base titration in the non-aqueous medium has been developed. The relative uncertainty of the average is 0.51%.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри фармацевтичних технологій та забезпечення якості ІПКСФ
Наукові публікації кафедри фармацевтичної хімії

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