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Title: Evaluation the feasibility of some schemes of antihypertensive therapy on the budget impact analysis and missed opportunities analysis in Ukraine
Authors: Iakovlieva, L. V.
Mishchenko, O.
Gerasymova, O.
Bezditko, N.
Kyrychenko, O.
Tkachova, O.
Яковлева, Л. В.
Мищенко, О. Я.
Герасимова, О. А.
Бездетко, Н. В.
Кириченко, О. Н.
Яковлєва, Л. В.
Міщенко, О. Я.
Герасимова, О. О.
Бездітко, Н. В.
Кириченко, О. М.
Keywords: evaluation;feasibility;antihypertensive therapy;budget impact analysis;Ukraine
Issue Date: 2013
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Evaluation the feasibility of some schemes of antihypertensive therapy on the budget impact analysis and missed opportunities analysis in Ukraine / L. Iakovlieva, O. Mishchenko, O. Gerasymova et al. // Value in Health. – 2013. – Vol. 16. - P. A279.
Abstract: OBJECTIVES: Pharmacoeconomic analysis of two schemes antihypertensive therapy: diroton (lisinopril) (tab. 10 mg 128, Gedeon Richter) compared with lipryl (tab. 10 mg 130, BHFZ) and two regimens with fixed combinations of ACE (captopril) + diuretic (hypothiazide): kapozyd (tab. 50mh/25mh 130, BMS) compared with captopres-D (tab. 50mh/25mh 120, Darnitsa) for one year in Ukraine. METHODS: Cost minimization analysis, budget impact analysis and analysis of missed opportunities were used. RESULTS: In condition of equal efficacy lipryl is less expensive (costs of treatment per patient for year - 292 UAH) compared with diroton (costs of treatment per patient for year - 620.50 UAH). Indicator of missed opportunities in the transition to less expensive drug is 1.125. According to official statistics of Ministry of Health in Ukraine there are 12.1 millions patients with hypertension, or 32.2% of the adult population. The costs of lipryl treating this population are 3540 millions UAH, for diroton - 7522 millions UAH. The transition to lipryl economy of budgetary funds will be 3982 millions UAH. The analysis of two schemes of antihypertensive therapy with fixed combinations of ACE inhibitors (captopril) + diuretic (hypothiazide) shows that in condition of equal efficacy captopres-D is less expensive (costs of treatment per patient for year - 295.65 UAH) compared with kapozyd (costs of treatment per patient for year – 511 UAH). Indicator of missed opportunities is 0.728. Given the number of patients with hypertension, the costs of captopres- D treating this population will be 3584 millions UAH, for kapozyd - 6194.6 millions UAH. In condition of budget financing in the transition to captopres-D economy of budgetary funds will be 2610.6 millions UAH. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the analysis prove the economic feasibility of domestic antihypertensive drugs.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри клінічної фармакології ІПКСФ
Наукові публікації кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу та забезпечення якості у фармації

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