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Title: The study of basic reasons managed and unmanaged processes of crisis development
Authors: Malyi, V. V.
Bondarieva, I. V.
Timanyuk, I. V.
Малий, В. В.
Малый, В. В.
Бондарева, И. В.
Бондарєва, І. В.
Тіманюк, І. В.
Тиманюк, И. В.
Keywords: crisis situations;uncontrollable processes
Issue Date: 2015
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Malyi, V. V. The study of basic reasons managed and unmanaged processes of crisis development / V. V. Malyi, I. V. Bondarieva, I. V. Timanyuk // Актуальные вопросы образования, науки и производства в фармации : материалы Республиканской науч.-практ. конф. (с междунар. участием). - Тошкент, 2015. - С. 235-236.
Abstract: All of the processes that occur in an organization can be divided into managed and unmanaged. Managed processes amenable to change in a certain direction at a conscious influence on them. Direction and nature of uncontrollable processes can not be changed for one reason or another, they proceed according to its own laws; as a result of these processes is still going to happen is should happen. Managed and unmanaged processes are in a certain ratio, which reflects the excellence and the art of management. Managed processes under certain conditions can become unmanageable, and vice versa. The prevalence of uncontrolled processes leading to the crisis, and the prevalence of controlled processes depends on the effectiveness of management and in certain circumstances also leads to crisis situations.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри ФММ

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