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Title: Development of determination methods of metronidazole in the acne treatment soft dosage form
Authors: Batiuk, Y.
Bevz, O.
Kryvanych, O.
Sych, I.
Bevz., N.
Батюк, Ю.
Бевз, О.
Криванич, О.
Бевз, Н.
Keywords: metronidazole;spectrophotometer
Issue Date: 2021
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Development of determination methods of metronidazole in the acne treatment soft dosage form / Y. Batiuk, O. Bevz, O. Kryvanych, I. Sych, N. Bevz // 100 років успіху та якості : матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. симпозіуму, присвяченого 100-річчю кафедри фармацевтичної хімії Національного фармацевтичного університету, м. Харків, 18 жовт. 2021 р. – Харків : НФаУ, 2021. – С. 50.
Abstract: The incidence of acne in the population occupies a leading position among the known dermatoses, accounting for more than 90% in men and 80% in women. It is well known that the lesion of open skin areas has a significant effect on the emotional state and psychological status of patients with acne, causing the development of vegetative neurotic and psychosocial disorders - increased anxiety, low self-esteem, social isolation, depression. At the same time, the etiology and pathogenesis of acne are still not fully understood. In the process of the development of the disease, numerous mechanisms are involved in the pathological process. The early stages of the disease are more often associated with psychoemotional factors, the late ones - with somatic diseases, disorders of the endocrine system, diseases of vascular origin. Clinical manifestations of acne can range from a mild comedonal form to severe inflammatory nodular and conglobatic eruptions on the face, chest, and back. One of the urgent problems of modern dermatology is the treatment of acne vulgaris. Ignoring timely and complete treatment can lead to the formation of persistent secondary changes - scars and hyperpigmented spots. The vast majority of acne sufferers require only topical therapy. Topical medications recommended for acne include antibacterials, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and azelaic acid.
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри медичної хiмiї
Тези доповідей співробітників НФаУ

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